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The Tweezers (Kenuki)
The Kabuki Eighteen
The Tweezers (Kenuki)

A villain who is aiming to usurp power in an aristocratic house uses a fiendish trick to make it seem like a princess has been struck by a mysterious illness that makes her hair stand on end. As a result her betrothal is postponed. A faithful retainer of the lord of the house, Kumedera Danjo, notices that a set of tweezers stand upright of their own accord and thus deduces that the villain concealed a magnet in the ceiling. The plot is foiled, the villain revealed, and the marriage goes ahead as planned. The Tweezers was revived by Ichikawa Sadanji II in 1909, with a script by Oka Onitaro.

Premiere : First month, 1742
Original title : Saint Narukami, the God Fudo and the Cherries of Kitayama (Narukami Fudo Kitayama Zakura)
Actor : Danjuro II
Theatre : Sadoshima-za, Osaka
Text : Hattori Yukio, Ichikawa Danjuro Daidai. Tokyo: Kodansha, 2002.
Photographs : Ogawa Tomoko
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