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Kagekiyo (Kagekiyo)
The Kabuki Eighteen
Kagekiyo (Kagekiyo)

The powerful Heike warrior Akushichibyoe Kagekiyo is captured and imprisoned by his enemies, the Minamoto clan. He uses his superhuman strength to smash his way out of his prison cell, and then struggles with his enemies in a violent and spectacular fight-scene (tachimawari). The play is also known as Prisonbreak Kagekiyo (Royaburi no Kagekiyo).

Premiere : Premiere: Ninth month, 1732
Original title : The Great Topknot and Kagekiyo Rampant (Oichu Sakae Kagekiyo)
Actor : Danjuro II
Theatre : Nakamura-za, Edo
Text : Hattori Yukio, Ichikawa Danjuro Daidai. Tokyo: Kodansha, 2002.
Photographs : Ogawa Tomoko
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